Good-Bye Folks....


Aug 20, 2002
I lost about 2 units tonight and am therefore banishing myself until next Tuesday.

Hopefully I will come back and turn my season around. Down 28 units is very ugly. But I remember one point last season when I was down 36 units and ended the season up 97 units. So I am very optimistic still.

Good luck to everyone until I get back.


New member
Mar 31, 2005
get it together. that add on play on an over in are much better than that.

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Always welcome in the best bet thread! Thanks for the effort you put into this and we'll be looking forward to seeing you ASAP!! tulsa

New member
Oct 20, 2002
tough night here also its good to take time off

i know its been said in other threads about your april 21 deadline
with wannabe whale take care of that come back refreshed

its so true

its a grind mentally

Everybody's Friend
Sep 21, 2004
I wish you the best MC!!! :howdy:

We look forward to you coming back strong!!! :drink:

Until Then - FawvDog :103631605

Rx Scrub
Feb 15, 2005
happens to ev1 MC regroup enjoy the games from the outside lookin in and come back when ur ready.


Mar 20, 2001
couple days off and you'll be on top of the world man!~

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
this is the BEST thing you can do

whenever i go on a BAD run - i step away for 7-10 days. i don't look at anything gambling related. this allows me to clear my head and come back when i am not trying to "chase" cuz when you do that - the books will KILL YOU!

stay away and don't even think about gambling and when you come back you'll start kicking ass once again and appreciate the time off

Aug 20, 2002

thanx....i am not even thinking about making any plays until next Tuesday....a week off will help me. I will still be paying attention to the games to find future value, but as for actual plays....wont happen for a little while.

New member
Jun 20, 2004
i fukkin despise you... you are making plays while you owe money ?

youre fukkin lucky you dont owe me... cuz if you did..and you were flaunting like this id fukkin come find you and beat the living hell out of you

you fukkin scumbag stiff.

you are lower than low

New member
Mar 15, 2005
Noreaga said:
i fukkin despise you... you are making plays while you owe money ?

youre fukkin lucky you dont owe me... cuz if you did..and you were flaunting like this id fukkin come find you and beat the living hell out of you

you fukkin scumbag stiff.

you are lower than low


New member
Sep 20, 1999
MadCapper said:
I lost about 2 units tonight and am therefore banishing myself until next Tuesday.

Hopefully I will come back and turn my season around. Down 28 units is very ugly. But I remember one point last season when I was down 36 units and ended the season up 97 units. So I am very optimistic still.

Good luck to everyone until I get back.


This post on the 19th of April by MC above

Then I see this post made at MC's new home 2 days later.


GREAT to see you here and not across the street....alot of jealousy seems they care about stirring up fights more than actually finding good cappers...

I am done there....this place is my new home!

His EGO finally got the best of him. College kid with good baseball acumen, wait till he has to work in the real world. MC you better have good grades or a REAL RICH HEBREW UNCLE or FATHER leaving you a lot of money. You cannot hide behind the internet forever. You have recieved more praise than any baseball capper on this forum. Problem is you owe PEOPLE MONEY, and you PLAYED with money that obvioulsy was not yours, and you could not pay. There was not ONE PERSON in this forum who rediculed you or pressed you for having a down run in the bases, matter of fact there was massives amount of support. So jealousy is a statement made by a very young and immature kid who is growing up, and making up stories is part of his montra. Someday MC you will not be a kid anymore. Everyone knows where to find you and see your picks, your picks are accessible as anyones, so keep making good picks like you do, and we will appraciate them. The problem is MC, I uncovered your fraud last year. You personally last year when you got real hot for one stretch, I knew you PERSONALLY were not making any money, because you were not really gambling. Just posting. Then you begin to gamble some, and then you lost. So all you had was the EGO of your record, but no return on your investment to SHOW for it. This is EXACTLY what happned to the MADCAPPER, the DEAN, MR GREEN and whoever knows who else. The last time I saw some get paid for being a MARTYR was on the Movies, so maybe an acting career is in your future. If you do not know the definition of a MARTYR, it is one who is more desiring attention for success or failure, then correcting their failures, or thriving in their success. YOU MC ARE and gambling MARTYR.

Even if you would have bet 10 bucks a unit, you would have had money in your pocket. So your value came in your reputation of baseball handicapping, not in your wallet. You have no money to SHOW for your record. NOT A DOLLAR....You still owe people money from 7 months ago or longer.

This depicts exactly what happened to the MADCAPPER, Jealousy???

Why would someone be jealous of a young Hebrew college kid who lives in the Bronx and posts Baseball selections daily??? Sorry MC, no jealousy, we just appreciated.......UNTIL YOU BEGIN NOT TO APPRECIATE US. Whose FAULT???


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Pop-culture, entertainment, sports and contest Mod
Dec 20, 2002
Madcapper is an attention whore, it is obvious to anyone...

We have caught him many times bumping his own thread under a 'ghost" name, and if u watch he will spread out his "thank yous" to posters to every 30-45 minutes, so he can try and keep his thread near the top...

Since he has no money to bet with, its an ego thing, and when people quit stroking him, he runs to new attention ground...

Notice he is saying to everyone THAT HE IS THROUGH WITH THE RX, TOO MUCH DRAMA, HE WONT BE POSTING ANYMORE HERE.....Yet, if u look in the contest forum, he rushed in there to post his plays for next 3 days...LMFAO

AT his "new home" he is asking for posters to come there and post, trying to get them to follow him, so he can be thier self appointed leader, but yet HE STILL POSTS HIS PICKS IN THE CONTEST HERE.....

Well since this is a contest SPONSORED and PAID FOR by THE RX, guess we will have to wait and see what happens...LOL

He has worn out his welcome at most forums, and his "DEBTORS" will find him there as well...

He will start whining to their mods to "keep his threads clean", "he ONLY wants to share his plays" thats all, then the "madbumping" will begin, and the rest of the was written along time ago, and seems to get "re-published" every baseball season

Sep 20, 2004
I like the guy, I still like the guy, even though he's cried and is now mad because I asked him politely not do what he wanted...I'm sure he's furious and feels we turned our backs on him...I really don't think he gets it...I really wish he would stop and think about everything, and stop feeling sorry for himself.

I talked to MC just about everyday for a long time, very nice guy who got caught up in gambling to the point its hurt him.

New member
Sep 20, 1999
I love the guy too!!!

Problem is his age and maturity and his internet ego have gotten the best of him. And he is not betting what he posts, and this is what got him in trouble. Also this is GAMBLING and there is losing and winning. Leave the DRAMA with YOUR MAMA is what I think.

Hey I am vocal on this forum, I am everyhwhere, I do not have a problem wiht his activity on the forum, being involved. But all the FAKE WANNABEE crap.....You have to GROW out of that. And this forum is the best WHITE COLLAR professional polished forum of handicapping discussion, sports, personal interests, and just good dialogue. I look at many on this forum as firends, colleuges, partners, and I enjoy the relationships, but when child like activity, and back and forth GAME playing.

Get a girlfriend MC, you need a woman. That will provide you enough drama to satisfy your desires.


I will not accept someone telling this forum we are JEALOUS and

gambling is an addiction, and losing is part of he proposition. If you choose to keep the activity in your life, YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO can feel the PRAISE of winning, and FEEL the PAIN of LOSING. A chat forum or picks, or last two years records, or banishment, or HOT!!!!! or whatever cannot REDUCE the responsibility one has to themselves.


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